A Legacy Lives on through Life Insurance Gift

The constant throughout the life and legacy of Jerry Mook ’58, P ’91, is golf. His love of the game resulted in lifelong friendships, a college degree, and meeting his wife, Lynne. The man described by close friends as “salt of the earth,” who “never yelled, even on the golf course” can readily be called generous. The Mook Family Golf Scholarship for men’s golf at LMU will honor Mook’s legacy as a golfer, alumnus, former Regent, and LMU Athletics donor. His story begins on the golf course.
Mook was recruited to play golf at what was then Loyola University by Coach Lorezno M. Malone, S.J. A golf scholarship ensured he could attend the private university. While a student, he converted to Catholicism, pledged the ADG fraternity, and established decades-long friendships. This group of passionate supporters would later give back to the university through “ADG Night at the Game” supporting men’s basketball, as well as their annual golf tournament, which has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for LMU Athletics. Through it all was Mook’s close friend Dick McBride ’57.
“We didn’t associate much outside of golf while in college, because Jerry was an ADG and I wasn’t,” said McBride. “But after college, Jerry and I would play once a month and in tournaments, and then we got season tickets to LMU basketball games where we would meet up with friends before the games for dinner.”
Mook had started attending basketball games with friends while in college. He was at a game when he first encountered Lynne. Although they didn’t start dating seriously until after Mook graduated, Lynne has golf to thank for that chance meeting, leading to their marriage and four children.

“To him, the golf scholarship he received was absolutely terrific,” said Lynne. “He was so grateful that he wanted other young men to experience the same help and benefits that he had. It truly changed his life, really our whole life. I wouldn’t have met him if he hadn’t gotten a scholarship.”
The Mooks set up his life insurance policy so that it would be left to LMU upon his passing in December 2020 to fund the Mook Family Golf Scholarship. For men’s golf Coach Jason D’Amore ’08, this scholarship provides a recruiting boost, but as someone who knew Mook as an alumnus, mentor, and friend, it’s much more meaningful.
“Jerry and I had many conversations about my future, whether I would play professionally and what it was like to travel for a living,” said D’Amore. “He had a broad look at life as far as what was important and working to the best of your abilities. He made sure that I understood there was a right way to do things. This scholarship is an opportunity for me to tell the story of Jerry Mook to its recipients. With his name on this scholarship, his legacy lives on forever.”
“Jerry was passionate and loyal to Loyola.” McBride added. “We all were, we would do anything for it, no question about it.”
With the Mook Family Golf Scholarship, Jerry Mook’s legacy continues to do anything for the university he loved so much.
For more information about gifts of life insurance, contact Cheryl Mott Smith, executive director of development for gift planning, at cheryl.smith@lmu.edu or 310.338.1862. To support student-athletes with scholarship funding, visit here.