A Message from LMU President Timothy Law Snyder, Ph.D.
![LMU President Timothy Law Snyder, Ph.D.](/media/universityadvancement/giving/impact/TLS_ViewfromtheTop_Impact_Aug2020.jpg)
Welcome to the inaugural issue of LMU Impact, a newsletter highlighting the university’s philanthropic support and success stories for our closest friends. Over the last several months, we’ve faced uncertainty as a result of a global pandemic, and we’ve been working diligently to address systemic oppression and racism to assure that an LMU education is unequivocally inclusive and anti-racist. I am proud that through it all, LMU is stronger together.
Our Catholic and Jesuit values compel us to pursue lives of meaning and purpose for the greater good. This newsletter will feature stories about the many ways that LMU infuses the world with creativity, imagination, and grace to bring about a better human future.
I hope these stories will inspire you the way our community inspires me every day. These are our accomplishments—the LMU experience that we provide because of the generous support and partnership from engaged friends like you.
Indeed, your engagement and friendship, your belief in our LMU mission, in the talent of our faculty, and in the promise of our students; and your investment in and love for LMU, especially during these times, fuel our hopes and our successes. You have made us who we are today: a community of impact that seeks to create the world we want to live in.
Thank you for your partnership as we collaborate in our shared vision. #LMUTogether